Thursday, October 1, 2009

Digital First Folio

Dear Fellow Docents,

I'm writing to invite you to a training session on the digital First Folio to be held Tuesday, October 27th at 1:00 pm at the kiosk in the exhibition hall.

The session will consist of an orientation to the interface of the digital Folio and a survey of the ways some of our colleagues use those features to present background on such topics as
- the prominence of Ben Jonson,
- the Droeshout engraving,
- the list of actors,
- the table of contents of the plays,
- the lack of a prologue at the start of "Romeo and Juliet,"
- the law of printing and presenting plays, and
- the value of our having so many First Folios.
Time for Q&A will follow the presentations.

The upcoming session will be based on what several of us learned from one another at a discussion of the First Folio held last month, and we hope you can join us on the 27th.

Please respond to (that is, do not reply to Caitlin's message) if you think you may be willing and able to attend. Your reply does not constitute a commitment, but it will help us gauge interest and set the format.

Best wishes,
Mike Neuman

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