Friday, January 8, 2010

From the Chair — Julian Ullman

Dear Docents All:

In some ways this has been a quieter 2 months into the new year as we have been able to benefit from the enthusiasm and intellectual stimulus of the 08-09 docent class without worrying about new faces on the block! Not to demean the long-term establishment that has done such splendid work over the years. You know who you are. We all thank you and know you are always there with support, history and enthusiasm even if you have opted to take a lesser role.

Desk duties seem to have grown and grown. Many more tours both scheduled and last minute. SSO visits, led by Teaching Actors, and the Secondary School programs are flourishing. Dee Starnes has been wonderfully enthusiastic and helpful with all the school events.
I mustn’t omit a pat on the back to E.J. Truax for planning, cajoling and organizing the Hoitsma Lecture. Barbara Mowat was an inspiring, interesting and informative speaker. Caitlin has become an ever greater tower of strength. She keeps us all on our toes and is now hurling us into the Folger digital world. Personally, I owe her (a debt of gratitude) for her patience and understanding—actually, that applies to my Board too!

And then there is Bob, who runs us all with quiet efficiency and understanding. I, most of all, thank you Bob.

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